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EPCS helps Community Medical Centers put patient safety and convenience first

Jun 17, 2022

Enterprise Access Management implemented by Forward Advantage

Community Medical Centers (CMC) is the largest healthcare service provider in Central California and is known for using innovative technologies to provide exceptional care. CMC uses several Forward Advantage solutions in conjunction with its Epic EMR, including: Communication Director, Imprivata's Enterprise Access Management (formerly OneSign), and Data Express. These solutions complement each other as part of an overall initiative to improve security, clinical workflow, and patient care. Most recently, CMC deployed Imprivata's Enterprise Access Management (formerly Confirm ID) for EPCS to extend this initiative to the electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS).

Sold and implemented by Forward Advantage, Imprivata's Enterprise Access Management for EPCS was deployed corporate-wide at CMC. This includes four hospitals, several long-term care facilities, an outpatient facility, and affiliated private and educational medical facilities. Nearly 500 CMC physicians use Imprivata's Enterprise Access Management for EPCS, which translates to more than 8,000 electronic signing events per month. The solution complements the use of CPOE by streamlining the electronic ordering and at the same time significantly enhanced convenience and safety for CMC’s patients.

CMC insights

with George Vasquez, Chief Technology Officer and Dr. Judi Binderman, VP & Chief Medical Informatics Officer

Q: What was the motivation to implement Enterprise Access Management for EPCS?

Judi Binderman: We wanted to provide a one-stop approach for patients to get the medications they need. Our workflow was split, because non-controlled substances were e-prescribed and controlled substances were paper-based. This resulted in controlled substances not being available upon discharge, loss of scripts, diversion, etc. Imprivata's Enterprise Access Management for EPCS allows physicians to do it all in one place and capture better documentation for closer scrutiny of opioids.

Q: What do you feel is the value behind going with Forward Advantage as a reseller of third-party solutions from Imprivata?

George Vasquez: Forward Advantage’s expertise, local support, and our good-standing relationship.

Q: How do physicians authenticate with Enterprise Access Management?

George Vasquez: We have fingerprint readers deployed at high-volume workstations for EPCS-only usage. Most physicians use soft token and passwords for dual authentication.

Q: Have providers shared any feedback on the solution?

Judi Binderman: Providers anecdotally tell me it saves time, phone calls, and patient aggravation.

Q: Do you have any advice or tips you would offer other hospitals considering this solution?

Judi Binderman: Be sure to offer multiple options for two-factor authentication. We used both fingerprint readers AND soft tokens, but did careful analysis of computers most frequently used for regular e-prescribing to direct placement of fingerprint readers.

George Vasquez: Ensuring physician engagement is key.


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