Take advantage of this case study to learn how single sign-on across workstations and mobile devices, along with advanced authentication for controlled substances, save valuable time while improving security and patient safety. As part-one of this two-case study, we are profiling RFGH’s use of RapidFiler, Forward Advantage’s solution for electronically streamlining inbound documents to the MEDITECH Echart.
RFGH uses Forward Advantage’s Communication Director for enterprise-wide faxing and report distribution. RapidFiler is a natural addition to this solution and extends the timesaving benefits that staff members at RFGH have enjoyed with our other solutions. The nationwide staffing shortage in healthcare has prompted many organizations to seek new ways to accomplish more with less resources, and RapidFiler is a prime example. See what Daniel Connelly, Senior IT Analyst at RFGH, has to say below!
Redington-Fairview General Hospital insights
with Daniel Connelly, Senior IT Analyst
Q: Describe how RFGH uses Communication Director for both on-demand and automated faxing and report distribution?
Our organization’s IT team has integrated Forward Advantage/Communication Director with our MEDITECH application for reliable delivery of Radiology and Laboratory results. The moment a report is ready, it is immediately faxed to the appropriate medical team associated with the patient’s care.
Q: What types of inbound documents does RapidFiler process?
There used to be a group of people in the hospital that were tasked with filing paper faxes into the appropriate patient record. This has been streamlined with MEDITECH and RapidFiler working so well together. It’s a seamless process that saves both time and frustration, while also improving the accuracy of patient records.
Q: Can you comment on the ROI potential with RapidFiler?
The number of hours that staff spend on filing has been significantly reduced, and some departments are saving on people. There were staff members who used to handle paper and filing all day long, and RapidFiler has freed them up to do other things.
Q: Do you have any advice for other MEDITECH hospitals?
I don’t know how you could go live on MEDITECH without using Communication Director and RapidFiler. Our implementation couldn’t have gone smoother. Forward Advantage’s team knows how to set everything up and which folders things go in. That’s the value of going with a vendor who knows MEDITECH so well. With any another solution, you’d have to configure it all yourself.
The takeaway
The pandemic forced a lot of changes in healthcare, and one we are all still adjusting to is the nationwide staffing shortage. This has led to many thinking outside of the box for ways to accomplish more with less. RapidFiler is a great example of a simple solution that can accomplish a lot during these challenging times. This solution helps countless customers maximize their Communication Director investment to reduce or eliminate paper from printing and scanning, while also saving valuable time and internal resources.
" It's a seamless process that saves both time and frustration, while also improving the accuracy of patient records. " - Daniel Connelly, Senior IT analyst
RFGH is using a single-vendor approach with Forward Advantage, and this started with a consultation to identify organizational challenges and strategic goals.
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